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Retreat Series 2022
May 6, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - May 8, 2022 @ 8:00 pm
3 In-City Retreats at Home Retreat Studio 2022
Dive deeper into the 8 Limbs of Yoga ~practical guidance for connecting with self acceptance and cultivating a more fully expressed & more meaningful life in 3 weekends~
The intention for studying and practicing the 8 limbed path of yoga is:
that we may become better humans, so we may treat other humans better
to liberate ourselves so we may act as co-liberators for others
Start your 2022 off with purpose & intention.
Learn to integrate the wise & resourceful practices of the 8 Limbs of yoga:
Yama – the 5 ethical practices of how we treat others
Niyama – the 5 inner observances of how we treat ourselves
Asana – the physical posture
Pranayama – breath control
Pratyahara – sense withdraw
Dharana – concentration
Dhyana – meditation
Samadhi – union, equanimity, bliss
In western culture, yoga’s primary focus is on just 1 or 2 of the limbs of the 8-fold path, but to understand the depth and breadth of all yoga offers us, these ancient teachings (as transcribed by Patanjali), invite us to take a deeper dive into the wholeness of yoga. The 8 limbs illuminate how we may take our yoga off the mat and out into the world as more liberated humans and as a force for love and justice.
So, come with me! Let the warm embrace of our sweet new backyard oasis studio invite you to take a dive into the rich and timeless study of the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga in a 3 part series at The Home Retreat Studio in 2022
Part One: The Art of Doing. January 14-16
The study and practice of the Yamas and Niyamas, and the embodiment of these concepts through Asana
Part Two: The Art of Being. March 11-13
The study and practice of pranayama, pratyahara, dharana., dhyana & samadhi
Part Three: The Art of Equanimity. May 6-8
Cultivating equanimity – includes movement, breath and discussion
2022 dates and schedules:
Jan 14-16, March 11-13, May 6-8
Fridays 5:30-8pm Welcome Circle, asana practice, discussion, tea, snacks, heated soaking tub..
Saturdays 10am-3pm Includes asana practice, discussion, homemade vegetarian lunch
Sundays 10am-1pm Includes asana practice, homemade snacks, tea & closing circle
SAVE $200 when you sign up right now!
Coupon code: GIFT200