Better Boundaries 5 Week Series
March 5 @ 8:30 am - March 26 @ 10:00 am
Walk the path to Better Boundaries…
You don’t need permission or approval from anyone to feel the way you feel in any given moment. You’re in the driver’s seat of your life-you’re not the passenger.
If you’re done feeling emotionally depleted and burned out in certain relationships, situations or environments then it’s time to take an honest look at your boundaries.
If you’re ready to step into your power and stop giving away your precious energy (time, money, attention, affection, etc) then this series is for you!
Boundaries are necessary to help others know how to be in relationship with you, and guess what? You set the rules of engagement, not anyone else.
You have the capacity, and innate wisdom to create boundaries in your personal and professional life that align with your values.
I want to help you find the freedom and ease around sticky places in your life that just need a little clarity & fine-tuning.
Clear Boundaries= Clean Mind= Freedom
and more Capacity for love and connection on your terms!
This 4 week series will help you not only nail your boundaries, but also help you clarify your values, cleanse your energy of guilt & self-doubt and create your boundaries with far less effort going forward.
Program Overview
Week 1: Core Values & Integrity
Week 2: Categories & Patterns
Week 3: Should vs. Want
Week 4: Oaths & Implementation
Week 5: Review
What you’ll get:
- Downloadable WORKBOOK
- Clarity, support & encouragement
- Homework, Sharing & Practice
- Recorded sessions
- One 45 min private coaching session with me during the series
This is an online group coaching program that meets
Wednesdays 8:30- 10 am
March 5-26 & April 9th
- If cost is in any way a barrier to you joining the series, please reach out to set up a sliding scale option:jennyalignedyoga@gmail.com