Letting Go

The practice of letting go is exactly that. A practice. And practice makes progress.

Carving out time for yourself for simple rituals around a full moon or a seasonal transition (equinox or solstice) can be potent medicine for your overall wellbeing.

The practice of letting go of what doesn’t serve you any longer, helps free up your energy to be of service to what’s most important, and that’s the cultivation of your highest, best, most loving self.

What might you release this season? Could be anything, a habit, belief, object, relationship or pattern of behavior or thought that causes you some form of self-generated suffering.

Take some time alone with a journal or some paper and think about it.

Stay in observation rather than judgment as much as possible.

We’re human and we’ve accumulated some emotional, mental and energetic gunk and that’s totally normal. We’re doing the best we can and we’re willing to look at it with honesty & curiosity.

Once you get clear on what you intend to release, write it down.

Now, begin to close your eyes, take a few deep deep breaths and ask what it is you wish to receive.

When we can release, we make room for all the good that awaits us. So, it’s time to be intentional about what good you’d like to grow in your life.

Let it be simple yet deep, uncomplicated and meaningful.

Once your clear, write down what you’ll receive.

Now try this simple mantra and breathing practice to dive forward into your intentional & harmonious season:

Take 3 minutes to do this practice everyday for a week until you feel more elevated and little lighter

Breathing in, say to yourself, “I receive…..(what it is you’ll receive)

Breathing out, say to yourself, “I release…..(what you’re letting go of)

Breathe in I receive. Breathe out I release. Repeat, repeat, repeat….


Let us know how it goesđź’›

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